This is your personal invitation to join me and my clients on....

Declutter your Money Mindset & Create A New Sales Energy

A workshop for biz owners who want to kick their current money mindset feelings to the curb, dive deep into their money beliefs and create a new money blueprint to sell from!

I am going to help you to create a brand new money blueprint.

Friday 7th June 2024

Via Zoom


Only $97 NZD

*Limited to 20 spots

In a few weeks I'm going to.....

Show you how to create a new money blueprint. One that will set your energy on fire and impact your confidence AND your biz results.  

What we will cover in the TWO hour workshop:

⭐Owning your current money mindset - Your current money story has got you to where you are now. Acknowledging this, owning it, giving thanks &

letting it go is HUGE declutter!

⭐Money needs four essential ingredients - Having tangible non woo woo tactics to actually smash your money mindset!

⭐Shifting your beliefs -In order to unlock the possibilities and to allow yourself to change your habits and beliefs around money, stop looking at the ‘wrongness’ of your money blueprint and start asking questions.

⭐Creating a new money blueprint - A new way of thinking about money and your unlimited potential will be created and implemented.

⭐How to Implement your new money beliefs- At first it all feels easy, energised, then the old habits, patterns and stories kick in and it gets harder.

What will you come away with?

A new money energy that WILL help you to make more sales in your biz!

But most of all kick start your confidence to a new level.

The Nuts & Bolts:

Where:In my Zoom room

How long: Two hours teaching including Q and A  (This is where you can pick my brains on your money mindset and use the time to nail it and get feedback.)

How much?20 spots at $97 NZD